+33 1 53 32 17 13 (Français) +33 1 89 16 61 34 (English) ft@symbial.fr


Origin – Destination surveys
Transport surveys
Mobility usage studies
new mobility developments
Transport satisfaction surveys
public transport surveys

How to conduct transport surveys?

Measuring travel flows

Origin-destination (O-D) surveys are field surveys targeting all users.

They measure the travel habits of people in a defined area.

They provide an accurate picture of the mobility of people in the study area.

These surveys seek to:


  • measure the mobility of users and inhabitants and its evolution,
  • analyse transport behaviour and mode choices,
  • anticipate the demand for transport,
  • provide travel simulations into transport networks.
Travel studies

Behavioural survey

It is possible to use regional or national panels, general public, to interview a part of the people concerned by a mode of transport. Or with an opinion on emerging uses (such as shared bikes or scooters, new energies, new regulations).

It is also common to go and meet some users in the field (at bike-sharing stations for example).

The organisation of round tables also allows us to look more closely at the expectations, fears and obstacles of residents in relation to certain emerging issues.

We cooperate with specialised operators and expert firms in the development of individual, collective and goods transport. 


Innovation transport

Transport questionnaires

The questionnaires are administered to users, usually face-to-face, or self-administered (after distribution on site).
The questions address issues of importance to the user: punctuality, information, safety, reception, cleanliness, space management, accessibility, pricing, etc.

Quality control

The same themes are measured objectively, by mystery shoppers.
A scoring grid of conformities and non-conformities is used point by point to establish a precise state of affairs.
This method makes it possible to meet the quality certification requirements that are often vital for the financing of public transport delegated to the private sector.

mobility and environment

Road Transport

Our institute has acquired expertise in the approach to road transport operators.
Their economic difficulties, their technical practices, the demands of their customers, and foreign competition are all subjects that form part of the studies we have carried out alongside partners who are experts in the transport economy.

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