+33 1 53 32 17 13 (Français) +33 1 89 16 61 34 (English) ft@symbial.fr

Distribution and consumer surveys

Visitor surveys
Consumer surveys
Usage studies on distribution channels
Market study
Satisfaction surveys by brand
Panel surveys

How to conduct consumer surveys?

Measurement of retailer and brand traffic patterns

Visitor surveys target all consumers.

They measure the visiting habits of people in a defined area.

They make it possible to obtain a hierarchy of supply on a range of products and possibly to follow their evolution.

Purchasing study
These surveys seek to:


  • measure the use of the offer by users and its evolution,
  • analysing consumer behaviour and their choice of distribution channels, retailers and brands,
  • anticipate the demand for new offers,
  • fuel customer acquisition schemes by responding to their needs and adapting to their habits.
consumer studies

Consumer behavioural surveys


We use regional or national or public panels to interview some of the people concerned by a type of product. They are asked about their motivations and about the image they have of the various aspects of the offer available to them.

It is also common to go and meet certain customers in the field (e.g. at checkouts).

The organisation of round tables also allows us to delve into the expectations, frustrations and ideas of consumers in relation to certain innovative ideas.


surveys on purchase motivations

Consumer questionnaires

The questionnaires are administered to customers, usually face-to-face, by telephone, or self-administered (online on the Internet).
The questions deal with the themes that are important to the consumer: proximity, information, reception, cleanliness, management of spaces, quality and quantity of the product offer, opening hours, price levels, etc.

Quality controls

The same themes are measured objectively, by mystery shoppers.
A scoring grid of conformities and non-conformities is used point by point to establish a precise state of affairs.
This method is used to meet the requirements of quality certifications or for the financial incentive of the employees of the sales outlet.

surveys on purchase motivations

Distribution to professional trades

Our institute has acquired expertise in the approach to craftsmen, SMEs and local authorities.
Their purchasing habits, their technical practices, their requirements vis-à-vis their suppliers are all subjects that are part of the studies that we have carried out alongside distributors specialising in this target.

studies of distribution channels

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