+33 1 53 32 17 13 (Français) +33 1 89 16 61 34 (English) ft@symbial.fr


Online Panels


Specific survey of your target population

Expectations, needs, behaviour of your target

Attractiveness of your innovation ideas, evolution of uses

Awareness and image of your brand on your target


 1000 respondents according to the quota method (age, gender, major region)

Internet users aged 15 or 18 to 75

Presentation of the questionnaire in “responsive” mode (which automatically adapts to the format of the user’s screen, from smartphone to desktop screen or tablet)

Frequency of choice subject to a sufficient number of subscribers

Delivery of sorting by identifying variables (gender, age, region, occupation, household income)

Very competitive budget with a representative panel of 1000 respondents general public, with or without optional analysis of results


We will draw up and format your questions and any associated visuals.


You ask 1 to 10 closed or open-ended questions and only you get the answers, and we take care of the technical aspects.

From Opinea’s online panels or from the most reliable suppliers on the market.

We will write a summary note to help you interpret the results.


These panels can contain from a few dozen to several thousand contacts, in any geographical area and according to criteria of representativeness studied in advance (of the population of a country, a region, a profession, a sector, etc.).

  • You can ask us to use existing panels (access panels) or even to build your own panel.
  • Panellists are most often approached by email, but also by telephone and even by post.
  • The information obtained by questionnaire is collected by online survey or by telephone usually.

There are several formulas for online and telephone panels, shared between several clients or specific to a particular study (ad hoc)


  • Rapid surveying among the  population
  • Attractiveness of technological and digital innovations
  • Behavioural and societal trends, uses and opinions
  • Brand awareness and image, new products

We will discuss with you how best to set up a collection system.

We will advise you and make our methodological recommendations in respect of your enquiry.




  • 1000 respondents according to the quota method (age, gender, major region)
  • Internet users aged 18 to 64
  • Presentation of the questionnaire in “responsive” mode (which automatically adapts to the format of the user’s screen, from smartphone to desktop screen or tablet)
  • Frequency of choice subject to a sufficient number of subscribers
  • Delivery of sorting by identifying variables (gender, age, region, occupation, household income)
  • Highly competitive budget with a representative panel of 1000 general public respondents, with or without optional analysis of results

Data sheet

  • 200 to 3000 respondents according to the quota method (specific to your target)
  • Internet users selected according to your criteria
  • Presentation of the questionnaire in “responsive” mode (which automatically adapts to the format of the user’s screen, from smartphone to desktop screen or tablet)
  • Sorts by identifying variables (gender, age, region, occupation, household income, etc.)
  • Budget estimated according to sample size and number of questions


  • Specific survey of your target population
  • Expectations, needs, behaviour of your target, questionnaire requiring the interaction of an interviewer
  • Testing innovative ideas
  • Awareness and image of your brand on your target

We create a telephone panel from private or professional directories according to the specificities of your target
We interview between 100 and 1000 people representative of the target group you wish to study. You ask all the closed or open questions you need.

Data sheet

  • 100 to 1000 respondents according to the quota method (specific to your target)
  • Contacts selected according to your criteria
  • Sorting by reporting variables (gender, age, region, etc.)
  • Budget evaluated according to sample size and characteristics, number of questions, response rate according to filter questions (incidence rate)

Send us your questions or your request,

or Call us at:

+ (English)

I understand that I may appear in photos taken during the event and grant the Volunteer Organization (hereby known as "the Organization") to use my likeness in marketing materials, web and digital publications, and on social media. I understand that I might be exposed to sensitive information during my volunteer time and will not copy, reproduce, or otherwise share or distribute that information without permission from the organization. I understand that while volunteering, I am a representative of the Organization and that if my behavior does not serve as a positive representation, I may be asked to leave.


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