01 53 32 17 13 (Français) +33 1 89 16 61 34 (English) ft@symbial.fr


Behavioural surveys

behavioural surveys on money

Payment usage studies

behavioural surveys on payment

Bank satisfaction surveys

survey of bank clients

How to conduct surveys in the WORLD OF PAYMENTS?

Measurement of the image of offers and signs

LAwareness, image and acceptability surveys that can be applied to banking organisations are general public surveys.

They are generally carried out on large Internet panels representative of the global population.

They provide a detailed picture of the major retailers.

The surveys seek to:

  • identify the hierarchy of brands and its evolution over time,
  • analyse the motivations behind the choices made by retailers,
  • anticipate tomorrow’s demand,
  • to fuel strategies to win over specific segments of the population.
innovation in payment methods

Behavourial surveys

It is possible to use national, general public panels to survey a proportion of those concerned with a payment method for example. Or with an opinion on emerging uses (such as contactless phones, biometric identification, or others).

It is also common to survey the bank’s own customers to test an idea before deployment.

The organisation of round tables It also allows us to delve deeper into the needs, ideas and obstacles of customers in relation to certain emerging technologies.

We work with specialist operators, technology companies and start-ups in the field of payment security and customer experience. 

evolution of the payment card

Payment and banking questionnaires

The questionnaires are administered to customers, usually online, by telephone.
The questions address the key issues for the customer: safety, ease of use, trust, welcome, listening and advice, accessibility, pricing, etc.

Quality controls

The same themes are measured objectively, by mystery customers on the telephone or in the branch.
A scoring grid of conformities and non-conformities is used point by point to note a precise state of affairs.
This method makes it possible to contribute to the evaluation of branches and employees, in particular within the framework of a collective profit-sharing scheme per sales outlet.

study on banking confidence

Client et innovation experience

Our institute has acquired expertise in the study of innovations in the world of payment.
Together with technology experts, we conduct acceptance surveys with the general public, combined with live testing with groups of customers, in the presence of the developers or their principals.


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